
*The final conference programme can be downloaded here: Final programme

Conference outline:

WEDNESDAY, 10 April, 2013: Pre-Conference Workshop
Additional fee of £15, limited seats

13.30-14.30 Workshop 1
Formatting and Analysing a Learner Corpus using CHAT & CLAN (
Dr Kevin McManus & Dr Nicole Tracy-Ventura
(University of Southampton)
14.30-15.30 Workshop 2
Fluency Analysis
Dr Nivja de Jong
(Utrecht University)
15.30-16.00 Tea
16.00-17.00 Workshop 3:
Issues and Methods in Researching Social Networks: Tools, Trends, and Applications to Language Learning Research
Dr Dan P. Dewey, Dr Jennifer Bown, and Shayla Johnson
(Brigham Young University)

THURSDAY, 11th April, 2013: Conference Day 1

8:30-10:00 Coffee & Registration
9.00-9:45 AILA ReN meeting
9:50-10.00 Welcome etc
10.00-11.00 Plenary 1
Language Socialization in the Home Stay: American High School Students in China
Celeste Kinginger
(Pennsylvania State University)
11.05-12.45 Papers
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14:15 Posters
14.20-15.25 Papers
15.25-15.55 Coffee/Tea
15.55-17.00 Papers
17.05-18.05 Plenary 2
Social circles and research into study abroad
Jim Coleman
(Open University, UK)
19:00- Conference Dinner (optional, additional fee £21)

FRIDAY, 12th April, 2013: Conference Day 2

9:00-10.30 LANG-SNAP Colloquium
10.30-10.50 Coffee
10.50-11.55 Papers
12.00-13.00 Plenary 3
The Impact of Temporary Study Abroad
Ulrich Techler
(University of Kassel, Germany)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.40 Papers
15.40-16.10 Coffee/Tea
16.10-17.00 Roundtable Discussion & Closing

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